Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Opening Ceremony - It is really snowing

Tonight was our Opening ceremony, it is has been snowing all afternoon, there is probably 5-10 cms of snow on the footpath, it was hard to tell where the paths finished and the roads started, we had a walk along the pedestrian mall, it was a bit slushy, 5 of us were following our flag/sign bearer Doreen, we then marched into one of the Hotels for a few speeches, I listened to a couple then left, I am running in the morning, I need to have a good nights rest, even walking back to the hotel was tricky, I have also a shot of what it look outside my Hotel window, I am glad that I have not entered the Xcountry, it should be clear before the half on Sunday.


Flabmeister said...

Indoor Xcountry is an interesting concept.

As is an indoor half - should be a lot of competition for the inside lane!

Marti (or, in Finnish Marrttii)

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger wish I was there with you, dads neighbor is keeping him updated with your blog. Good luck with your run tomorrow.
Carol x