Thursday, September 23, 2010

The end is nigh

Yesterday I did a lot of travelling around London, I went and wandered around the Hampstead area, I caught the tube over to where the Olympics is going to be held, I could see where the Athletes Village was getting built, looks huge, the area will be turned in Apartments after the evnt, between the Stratford railway station (the major Oylmpic transport hub) and the Vilage is a another Westfield shopping centre going up, it will be open in 12 months time, i would go out and buy westfield shares.

I then caught the tube over to the Canary Wharf area, it has been built up over the last 10-20 years from where the old docklands were, very impressive, tall buildings, apartment blocks, lots of underground shopping areas, very good in the colder weather.

I set a new record on my trip, i didn't eat for over 8 hours from breakfast to dinner, I finally did the Pasta, Pizza & salad bar round the corner from my hotel for 7 pound.

This morning I got up early and caught the tube to St Pauls cathederal and then ran along the Thames until Parliment House and ran back to the hotel via the 3 parks St James, Green & Hyde Park. When I am here I alwys think that I am going to run into somebody I know, i was only 400 metres from my hotel still running in the park, when somebody grabbed from the side, it was somebody I knew from BBQ stakes, he had been in London 5 days and staying 1km from me, I was surprised I had n't seen him before, it is a small world.

I better get going, I am checking out in 30 minutes, I am going to do one last post, maybe at Heathrow or Bangkok airport, I want to do my reflections of the trip.


Flabmeister said...

Have any of the Olympic buildings collapsed yet?



Friar said...

Now you've seen it, are you going back for the Olympics.