Yesterday I had a fairly quiet day, I started with a 6km run, actually the day before I did my first run(6kms) since last Friday, I ran down to the Columbia river which runs thru Portland, I went across one of the many bridges across the river, there are a number of paths built especially for bikes & pedestrians, so I have made use of them, they are both sides of the river, today I did a circuit across one bridge then along the river and back across another bridge, got up to 7kms, so I feel like I am on the way back again.
In the afternoon I then wandered down to the Lloyd Centre, which is a big indoor mall, unlike here, there are no shops on the outside. On the bottom level they have a ice skating rink, I stayed away from that. I did a bit of shopping, I got 3 of Matthew Reilly (Aussie Author) books for $24 ($26 Aus), in Australia I would have paid $63, now you can see why Book stores in Australia don't want imported books allowed in Aus, we are getting ripped off for the price of novels. Interestingly there is no sales tax in Oregon, not sure why, I am not complaining, the price you see is the price you pay.
In the afternoon I went and saw the movie The Blind Side, it is the movie that Sandra Bullock won the Oscar for Best Actress, she was very good in the movie, it is about a black student/football player that she takes into her home and then finally adopts, he was a big dude, it is a true story, after going thru high school he goes onto the Uni of Mississippi and last year he was drafted by on the NFL teams, it is a really good feel good movie, I actually think the guy that played the football player should have been nominated for best supporting actor, he was very impressive, when the movie it comes to Australia go and see it, even if you don't like American football.
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