Thursday, April 1, 2010

Arrive in Perth for AMA Nationals

I flew out of Canberra this morning at 9am for Sydney, I want to thanks Ari my house mate that gave me a lift to the Airport, I had a 90 min wait in Sydney and then a 5 hour flight to Perth,
I am in Perth for the Australian Masters Athletics national championships, it is the official Masters Athletics competition, not the mickey mouse ones that appear around the country.

I was flying Virgin Blue so I brought food with me., from the Perth airport I caught the local bus into the city, I then checked in my Motel - Mantra on Murray, it is right in the middle of the city right by the Murray St Mall, breakfast is included, but some mornings I will have to hold myself back and not fill up because I have to run sometimes mid mornings, tomorrow I have the 10km at 10am, so I will be careful what I have, I want to make it around the track 25 times. I went down to Woolworths and stocked up on some goodies, we all have our vices, mine is food, I will never be a stick, I can't help myself.


speedygeoff said...

Yes, the AMA standard is usually much higher than any of the "Masters Games".
I loved "Miss Mauds" for breakfasts in Perth City when I was there; I wonder if they are still around?
Wish I was there.
Looking forward to your reports and I will be keeping an eye on the race results. Go well!

Unknown said...

Good Luck at your nationals Roger!

I see that you've signed up for just 5 events, must be scheduling conflicts for you to do so few :-)

I need to find those mickey mouse competitions next time I'm down under... it'll give me a chance to be competitive.


GRIFFIN said...

Good Luck Roger,

Say a big HELLO to all the ACT contingent...

Run well buddy :o)

Yours in Running Writing

Gary (GRIFFIN) Bowen